Publications (* = trainee, ^ = contributed equally)


  1. S Cutts, E Chumin, RF Betzel, O Sporns (2025). Temporal Variability of Brain-Behavior Relationships in Fine-Scale Dynamics of Edge Time Series. Imaging Neuroscience.

  2. C Seguin, … , RF Betzel, … (2025). Neuroanatomical pathways of TMS therapy for depression. bioRxiv.

  3. C Seguin, …, RF Betzel, … (2025). Connectome architecture favours within-module diffusion and between-module routing. bioRxiv.

  4. RF Betzel, M Grazia Puxeddu, C Seguin, V Bazinet, A Luppi, A Podschun, P Singleton, J Faskowitz, V Parakkattu*, B Misic, S Markett, A Kuceyeski, L Parkes (2024). Controlling the human connectome with spatially diffuse input signals. Communications Biology.


  1. J Tanner, J Faskowitz, DP Kennedy, RF Betzel (2024). Dynamic adaptation to novelty in the brain is related to arousal and intelligence. bioRxiv.

  2. H Merrit, A Mejia, RF Betzel (2024). The dual interpretation of edge time series: Time-varying connectivity versus statistical interaction. bioRxiv.

  3. S Dvali, C Seguin, RF Betzel, A Leifer (2024). Diverging network architecture of the connectome and signaling network. arXiv.

  4. RF Betzel, MG Puxeddu, C Seguin, B Misic (2024). Parallel and converging multisensory cascades in the Drosophila connectome. bioRxiv.

  5. Moshchin, M., …, RF Betzel, ... & Suminski, A. J. (2024). Assessing changes in whole-brain structural connectivity in the unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine rat model of Parkinson's Disease using diffusion imaging and tractography. bioRxiv.

  6. A Podschun, RF Betzel, U Braun, S Markett. Exploring the role of the rich club in network control of neurocognitive states. bioRxiv.

  7. H Merrit*, MK Koch, Y Jo*, EJ Chumin, RF Betzel. Social 'envirotyping' the ABCD study contextualizes dissociable brain organization and diverging outcomes. bioRxiv

  8. K Nestor, J Rasero, RF Betzel, PJ Gianaros, T Verstynen. Cortical network reconfiguration aligns with shifts of basal ganglia and cerebellar influence. arXiv.

  9. R Prakash, A Shankar, V Tripathi, W F.Z. Yang, M Fisher, C C.C. Bauer, RF Betzel, & M Sacchet. Mindfulness Meditation and Network Neuroscience: Review, Synthesis, and Future Directions Biological Psychiatry.

  10. F Mandino, C Horien, X Shen, G Desrosier-Gregoire, W Luo, M Markicevic, RT Constable, X Papademetris, M Chakravarty, RF Betzel, EMR Lake (2024). Multimodal identification of the mouse brain using simultaneous Ca2+ imaging and fMRI. bioRxiv.

  11. Y Jo, J Tanner, C Seguin, J Faskowitz, RF Betzel (2024). Variation in high-amplitude events across the human lifespan. bioRxiv.

  12. A Shankar, J Tanner*, T Mao, RF Betzel, R Prakash (2024). Edge Community Entropy is a Novel Neural Correlate of Aging and Moderator of Fluid Cognition. J. Neurosci.

  13. F Milislav, V Bazinet, RF Betzel, B Misic (2024). A simulated annealing algorithm for randomizing weighted networks. Nature Computational Neuroscience.

  14. Y Liu, C Seguin, RF Betzel, D Akarca, M Di Biase, A Zalesky (2024). A generative model of the connectome with dynamic axon growth. Network Neuroscience.

  15. MG Puxeddu, J Faskowitz, C Seguin, Y Yovel, Y Assaf, RF Betzel, O Sporns (2024). Network modularity and its relation to brain volume in the mammalian connectome. PLOS Biology.

  16. E Ragone*, J Tanner*, Y Jo*, F Zamani Esfahlani, J Faskowitz, M Pope, L Coletta, A Gozzi, RF Betzel (2024). Modular subgraphs in large-scale connectomes underpin spontaneous co-fluctuation ``events'' in mouse and human brains. Communications Biology.

  17. A Luppi, SP Singleton, J Hansen, D Bzodk, A Kuceyeski, RF Betzel, B Misic (2024). Transitions between cognitive topographies: contributions of network structure, neuromodulation, and disease. Nature Biomedical Engineering.

  18. N Ni, X Zheng, RF Betzel, T James (2024). Increased Segregation in Functional Connectivity Networks When Watching Unpleasant Arousing Videos: A gPPI analysis. Brain Connectivity.

  19. J Tanner, J Faskowitz, AS Teixeira, C Seguin, L Coletta, A Gozzi, B Misic, RF Betzel (2024). Redefining the connectome: A multi-modal, asymmetric, weighted, and signed description of anatomical connectivity. Nature Communications.

  20. RF Betzel, M Grazia Puxeddu, C Seguin (2024). Hierarchical communities in the larval Drosophila connectome: Links to cellular annotations and network topology. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.

  21. JK Hsieh, PR Prakash, R Flint, Z Fitzgerald, E Mugler, Y Wang, N Crone, J Templer, JM Rosenow, M Tate, RF Betzel, M Slutzky (submitted). Electrocorticographic (ECoG) functional network features identify critical language nodes, which act as connector nodes within functional brain networks. Nature Communications.

  22. Tu, J. C., Millar, P. R., Strain, J. F., Eck, A., Adeyemo, B., Daniels, A., ... RF Betzel, … & Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network. (2024). Increasing hub disruption parallels dementia severity in autosomal dominant Alzheimer disease. Network Neuroscience.


  1. J Tanner*, S Mansour, L Coletta, A Gozzi, RF Betzel (2023). Functional connectivity modules in recurrent neural networks: function, origin and dynamics. arXiv.

  2. RF Betzel, J Faskowitz, O Sporns (2023). Living on the edge: network neuroscience beyond nodes. Trends in Cognitive Sciences.

  3. R Kong, L Uddin, RF Betzel, JR Cohen, … , BTT Yeo, RN Spreng (2023). Consensus, convergence, and correspondence among functional brain network atlases. bioRxiv.

  4. L Uddin, RF Betzel, JR Cohen, JS Damoiseaux, F De Brigard, SB Eickhoff, A Fornito, C Gratton, EM Gordon, AR Laird, L Larson-Prior, AR McIntosh, LD Nickerson, L Pessoa, AL Pinho, RA Poldrack, A Razi, S Sadaghiani, JM Shine, A Yendiki, BTT Yeo, RN Spreng (2023). Controversies and current progress on large-scale brain network nomenclature from OHBM WHATNET: Workgroup for HArmonized Taxonomy of NETworks. Network Neuroscience

  5. RF Betzel, S Cutts, J Tanner*, S Greenwell* T Varley, J Faskowitz*, O Sporns (2023). Hierarchical organization of spontaneous co-fluctuations in densely-sampled individuals using fMRI. Network Neuroscience.

  6. A Rajesh, RF Betzel, … A Kramer (2023). Evaluating modularity benefits of an acting intervention: A Discriminant-Analysis Framework. (Frontiers in Human Neuroscience).

  7. MG Chappel-Farley, JN Adams, RF Betzel, SM Kim, JC Janecek … MA Yassa, BA Mander (2023). Medial temporal lobe functional network architecture supports sleep-related emotional memory processing in older adults.

  8. H Merritt, J Faskowitz, M Gonzalez, RF Betzel (2023). Stability of brain-behavior correlation patterns across measures of social support. bioRxiv.

  9. A Hannum, MA Lopez, SA Blanco, RF Betzel (2023). High-Accuracy Machine Learning Techniques for Functional Connectome Fingerprinting and Cognitive State Decoding. Human Brain Mapping.

  10. Y Liu, C Seguin, S Mansour, S Oldham, RF Betzel, M Di Biase, A Zalesky (2023). Parameter estimation for connectome generative models: Accuracy, reliability, and a fast parameter fitting method. Neuroimage.

  11. S Cutts, J Faskowitz, RF Betzel, O Sporns (2023). Uncovering Individual Differences in Fine-Scale Dynamics of Functional Connectivity. Cerebral Cortex.

  12. JC Tanner*, J Faskowitz*, K Byrge, DP Kennedy, O Sporns, RF Betzel (2023). Synchronous high-amplitude co-fluctuations of functional brain networks during movie-watching. Imaging Neuroscience. [supplementary movie]


  1. J Faskowitz, MG Puxeddu, M van den Heuvel, B Misic, Y Yovel, Y Assaf, RF Betzel, O Sporns (2022). Connectome topology of mammalian brains and its relationship to taxonomy and phylogeny. Frontiers in Neuroscience

  2. RF Betzel, E Chumin, F Zamani Esfahlani*, J Tanner*, J Faskowitz* (2022). System-level high-amplitude co-fluctuation in human fMRI. bioRxiv.

  3. AC Krendl, RF Betzel (2022). Social Network Neuroscience. Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience.

  4. ZQ Liu, B Vazquez-Rodriguez, RN Spreng, BC Bernhardt, RF Betzel, B Misic (2022). Time-resolved structure-function coupling in brain networks. Communications Biology.

  5. S Idesis, J Faskowitz, RF Betzel, M Corbetta, O Sporns, G Deco (2022). Edge-centric analysis of stroke patients: An alternative approach for biomarkers of lesion recovery. Neuroimage Clinical

  6. A Weinberger, R Cortes, RF Betzel, AE Green (2022). Exploring Functional Brain Network Modularity in Educational Contexts. bioRxiv.

  7. F Zamani Esfahlani*, J Faskowitz, J Slack*, B Misic, RF Betzel (2022). Local structure-function relationships in human brain networks across the human lifespan. Nature Communications.

  8. M Grazia Puxeddu, J Faskowitz, O Sporns, L Astolfi, RF Betzel (2022). Multi-modal and multi-subject modular organization of human brain networks. Neuroimage.

  9. J Chumin, J Faskowitz, F Zamani Esfahlani*, Y Jo*, H Merritt*, J Tanner*, S Cutts, M Pope, O Sporns, RF Betzel (2022). Cortico-Subcortical Interactions in Overlapping Communities of Edge Functional Connectivity. Neuroimage.

  10. RF Betzel, S Cutts, S Greenwell*, J Faskowitz, O Sporns (2022).Individualized event structure drives individual differences in whole-brain functional connectivity. Neuroimage.

  11. FV Farahani, W Karwowski, MD Esposito, RF Betzel, et al. (2022). Diurnal variations of resting-state fMRI data: A graph-based analysis. Neuroimage.

  12. ZQ Liu, RF Betzel, B Misic (2022). Benchmarking functional connectivity by the structure and geometry of the human brain. Network Neuroscience.


  1. Y Jo*, F Zamani Esfahlani*, J Faskowitz, E Chumin, O Sporns, RF Betzel (2021). The diversity and multiplexity of edge communities within and between brain systems. Cell Reports.

  2. S Greenwell, J Faskowitz, L Pritschet, T Santander, E Jacobs, RF Betzel (2021). High-amplitude network co-fluctuations linked to variation in hormone concentrations over menstrual cycle. bioRxiv.

  3. F Zamani Esfahlani*, L Byrge, JC Tanner, O Sporns, DP Kennedy, RF Betzel (2021). Edge-centric analysis of time-varying functional brain networks with applications in autism spectrum disorder. bioRxiv.

  4. RF Betzel, P Vertes (2021). Organizing principles of the C. elegans contactome. Cell Systems.

  5. F Zamani Esfahlani*, Y Jo*, M Grazia Puxeddu, H Merritt*, J Tanner*, D Greenwell*, R Patel* J Faskowitz, RF Betzel (2021). Modularity maximization as a flexible and generic framework for brain network exploratory analysis. Neuroimage.

  6. M Pope, M Fukushima, RF Betzel, O Sporns (2021). Modular origins of high-amplitude co-fluctuations in fine-scale functional connectivity dynamics. PNAS.

  7. C Jiang, RF Betzel, Y He, XN Zuo (2021). Toward Reliable Network Neuroscience for Mapping Individual Differences. bioRxiv.

  8. J Faskowitz, RF Betzel, O Sporns (2021). Edges in Brain Networks: Contributions to Models of Structure and Function, arXiv.

  9. Y Jo*, J Faskowitz, F Zamani Esfahlani*, O Sporns, RF Betzel (2021). Subject identification using edge-centric functional connectivity. Neuroimage.

  10. J Faskowitz, J Tanner*, B Misic, RF Betzel (2021). An edge-centric model for harmonizing multi-relational network datasets. bioRxiv.

  11. HR Evensmoen, LM Rimol, AM Winkler, RF Betzel, TI Hansen, H Nili, AK Håberg (2021). Allocentric representation in the human amygdala and ventral visual stream. Cell Reports.

  12. U Braun, A Harneit, G Pergola, T Menara, A Schaefer, RF Betzel, et al (2021). Brain state stability during working memory is explained by network control theory, modulated by dopamine D1/D2 receptor function, and diminished in schizophrenia. Nature Communications.

  13. O Sporns, J Faskowitz, S Teixeira, RF Betzel (2021). Dynamic expression of functional systems disclosed by fine-scale analysis of edge time series. Network Neuroscience.


  1. RF Betzel (2020). Community detection in network neuroscience. arXiv.

  2. X Zhang, U Braun, A Harneit, Z Zang, L Geiger, RF Betzel, et al (2020). Generative network models identify biological mechanisms of altered structural brain connectivity in schizophrenia. Neuroimage.

  3. RF Betzel (2020). Network neuroscience and the connectomics revolution. (to appear in “Connectomic Deep Brain Stimulation”).

  4. M Cieslak, … RF Betzel … TD Satterthwaite (2020). QSIPrep: An integrative platform for preprocessing and reconstructing diffusion MRI. bioRxiv.

  5. J Faskowitz, F Zamani Esfahlani*, Y Jo*, O Sporns, RF Betzel (2020). Edge-centric functional network representations of human cerebral cortex reveal overlapping system-level architecture. Nature Neuroscience.

  6. M Puxeddu, J Faskowitz, RF Betzel, et al (2020). The modular organization of brain cortical connectivity across the human lifespan. Neuroimage.

  7. F Zamani Esfahlani*^, Y Jo*^, J Faskowitz, D Kennedy, O Sporns, RF Betzel (2020). High-amplitude co-fluctuations in cortical activity drive resting-state functional connectivity. PNAS.

  8. F Zamani Esfahlani*, M Bertolero, DS Bassett, RF Betzel (2020). Space-independent community and hub structure of functional brain networks. Neuroimage.

  9. Y Kenett^, RF Betzel^, RE Beaty (2020). Community structure of the creative brain at rest. Neuroimage.

  10. LE Suárez, RF Betzel, B Mišić (2020). Linking structure and function in macroscale brain networks. Trends in Cognitive Sciences.

  11. GL Baum, Z Cui, DR Roalf, R Ciric, RF Betzel, et al (2020). Development of structure-function coupling in human brain networks during youth. PNAS.

  12. Z Cui, J Stiso, GL Baum, JZ Kim, DR Roalf, RF Betzel, et al. (2020). Optimization of Energy State Transition Trajectory Supports the Development of Executive Function During Youth. eLife.

  13. RF Betzel, L Byrge, F Zamani Esfahlani*, DP Kennedy (2020). Temporal fluctuations in the brain's modular architecture during movie-watching. Neuroimage.

  14. RF Betzel (2020).Organizing principles of whole-brain functional connectivity in zebrafish larvae. Network Neuroscience.


  1. C Hall, A Lord, RF Betzel, A Zalesky, G Radford-Smith, L Cocchi (2019). Co-existence of network architectures supporting the human gut microbiome. iScience.

  2. RF Betzel, et al (2019). The community structure of functional brain networks exhibits scale-specific patterns of variability across individuals and time. Neuroimage.

  3. A Goulas, RF Betzel, & CC Hilgetag (2019). Spatiotemporal ontogeny of brain wiring. Science Advances, 355016.

  4. RF Betzel, et al (2019). Distance-dependent consistency thresholds for generating group-representative structural brain networks. Network Neuroscience.

  5. RF Betzel, et al (2019). Inter-regional ECoG correlations predicted by communication dynamics, geometry, and correlated gene expression. Nature Biomedical Engineering.


  1. DJ Lurie, D Kessler, DS Bassett, RF Betzel, et al. (2018). On the nature of resting fMRI and time-varying functional connectivity. PsyArXiv.

  2. EJ Cornblath, A Ashourvan, JZ Kim, RF Betzel, et al. (2018). Context-dependent architecture of brain state dynamics is explained by white matter connectivity and theories of network control. bioRxiv.

  3. P Reddy, RF Betzel, et al. (2018). Genetic and Neuroanatomical Support for Functional Brain Network Dynamics in Epilepsy. arXiv.

  4. CH Xia, Z Ma, R Ciric, S Gu, RF Betzel, et al. (2018). Linked dimensions of psychopathology and connectivity in functional brain networks. Nature Communications, 9(1), 3003.

  5. RF Betzel & DS Bassett (2018). Specificity and robustness of long-distance connections in weighted, interareal connectomes. PNAS, 201720186.

  6. B Misic, RF Betzel, et al (2018). Network-based asymmetry of the human auditory system. Cerebral Cortex, 28(7), 2655-2664.

  7. M Fukushima, RF Betzel et al (2018). Structure–function relationships during segregated and integrated network states of human brain functional connectivity. Brain Structure and Function, 223(3), 1091-1106.

  8. AE Sizemore, C Giusti, A Kahn, JM Vettel, RF Betzel, & DS Bassett (2018). Cliques and cavities in the human connectome. Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 44(1), 115-145.

  9. RF Betzel et al (2018). Diversity of meso-scale architecture in human and non-human connectomes. Nature Communications, 9(1), 346.

  10. YN Kenett, JD Medaglia, RE Beaty, Q Chen, RF Betzel et al (2018). Driving the brain towards creativity and intelligence: A network control theory analysis. Neuropsychologia.

  11. U Braun, A Schaefer, RF Betzel, et al (2018). From maps to multi-dimensional network mechanisms of mental disorders. Neuron, 97(1), 14-31.

  12. RF Betzel, et al (2018). Non-assortative community structure in resting and task-evoked functional brain networks. bioRxiv, 251827.


  1. JC Worrell, J Rumschlag, RF Betzel, et al (2017). Optimized connectome architecture for sensory-motor integration. Network Neuroscience, 1(4), 415-430.

  2. RF Betzel & DS Bassett (2017). Generative models for network neuroscience: Prospects and promise. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 14(136), 20170623.

  3. RF Betzel & DS Bassett (2017). Multi-scale brain networks. Neuroimage, 160, 73-83.

  4. M Fukushima, RF Betzel, et al (2017). Fluctuations between high-and low-modularity topology in time-resolved functional connectivity. Neuroimage.

  5. AN Khambhati, AE Sizemore, RF Betzel, DS Bassett (2017). Modeling and interpreting mesoscale network dynamics. Neuroimage.

  6. GL Baum, R Ciric, DR Roalf, RF Betzel, et al (2017). Modular segregation of structural brain networks supports the development of executive function in youth. Current Biology, 27(11), 1561-1572.

  7. RF Betzel et al (2017). Positive affect, surprise, and fatigue are correlates of network flexibility. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 520.

  8. S Gu, RF Betzel et al (2017). Optimal trajectories of brain state transitions. Neuroimage, 148, 305-317.

  9. RF Betzel et al (2017). The modular organization of human anatomical brain networks: Accounting for the cost of wiring. Network Neuroscience, 1(1), 42-68.

  10. E Wu-Yan, RF Betzel, et al. (2017). Benchmarking measures of network controllability on canonical graph models. Journal of Nonlinear Science, 1-39.

  11. XN Zuo, Y He, RF Betzel, et al. (2017). Human connectomics across the lifespan. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 21(1), 32-45.


  1. H Mohr, U Wolfensteller, RF Betzel, et al (2016). Integration and segregation of large-scale brain networks during short-term task automatization. Nature Communications, 7, 13217.

  2. RF Betzel et al. (2016). Optimally controlling the human connectome: the role of network topology. Scientific Reports, 6, 30770.

  3. MG Mattar, RF Betzel, DS Bassett (2016). The flexible brain. Brain, 139(8), 2110-2112.

  4. B Misic, RF Betzel, et al. (2016). Network-level structure-function relationships in human neocortex. Cerebral Cortex, 26(7), 3285-3296.

  5. RF Betzel et al (2016). Dynamic fluctuations coincide with periods of high and low modularity in rest-state functional brain networks. Neuroimage, 127, 287-297.

  6. O Sporns & RF Betzel (2016). Modular brain networks. Annual Review of Psychology, 67, 613-640.

  7. RF Betzel, et al. (2016). Generative models of the human connectome. Neuroimage, 124, 1054-1064.


  1. RF Betzel, et al. (2015). Functional brain modules reconfigure at multiple scales across the human lifespan. arXiv.

  2. B Misic^, RF Betzel^, et al. (2015). Cooperative and competitive spreading dynamics on the human connectome. Neuron, 86(6), 1518-1529.


  1. B Misic, J Goni, RF Betzel, et al. (2014). A network convergence zone in the hippocampus. PLoS Computational Biology, 10(12), e10033982.

  2. RF Betzel, et al (2014). Changes in structural and functional connectivity among resting-state networks across the human lifespan. Neuroimage, 102, 345.

  3. A Avena-Koenigsberger, J Goni, RF Betzel (2014). Using Pareto optimality to explore the topology and dynamics of the human connectome. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, B, 369(1653), 20130530.

  4. J Goni, MP van den Heuvel, A Avena-Koenigsberger, NV de Medizabal, RF Betzel, et al. (2014). Resting-brain functional connectivity predicted by analytic measures of network communication. PNAS, 111(2), 833-838.


  1. RF Betzel, et al. (2013). Multi-scale community organization of the human structural connectome and its relationship with resting-state functional connectivity. Network Science, 1(3), 353-373.

  2. J Goni et al. (2013). Exploring the Morphospace of Communication Efficiency in Complex Networks, PLoS ONE, 8(3), e58070.


  1. RF Betzel et al (2012). Synchronization Dynamics and Evidence for a Repertoire of Network States in Resting EEG. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 6, 74.